Correctness Attraction: A Study of Stability of Software Behavior Under Runtime Perturbation

by Benjamin Danglot, Philippe Preux, Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus
Correctness Attraction: A Study of Stability of Software Behavior Under Runtime Perturbation (Benjamin Danglot, Philippe Preux, Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus), In Empirical Software Engineering, Springer Verlag, volume 23, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
	TITLE = {{Correctness Attraction: A Study of Stability of Software Behavior Under Runtime Perturbation}},
	AUTHOR = {Danglot, Benjamin and Preux, Philippe and Baudry, Benoit and Monperrus, Martin},
	URL = {},
	JOURNAL = {{Empirical Software Engineering}},
	PUBLISHER = {{Springer Verlag}},
	YEAR = {2018},
	doi       = {10.1007/s10664-017-9571-8},
	KEYWORDS = {diversity, selected},
	PDF = {},
		X-International-Audience = {yes},
	X-Language = {EN},
	x-abbrv = {EMSE},