by Nicolas Sannier, Benoit Baudry, Thuy Nguyen
Formalizing standards and regulations variability in longlife projects. A challenge for Model-driven engineering (Nicolas Sannier, Benoit Baudry, Thuy Nguyen), In Proc. of the Model-Driven Requirements Engineering workshop (MoDRE’11) at RE’11, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{Sannier11, keywords = {RE, MDE}, Author = {Sannier, Nicolas and Baudry, Benoit and Nguyen, Thuy}, Booktitle = {Proc. of the Model-Driven Requirements Engineering workshop (MoDRE'11) at RE'11}, Title = {Formalizing standards and regulations variability in longlife projects. A challenge for Model-driven engineering}, X-Country = {IT}, X-International-Audience = {yes}, X-Language = {EN}, X-Proceedings = {yes}, x-abbrv = {MoDRE}, pages={64-73}, Year = {2011}}