by Benjamin Danglot, Oscar Vera-Perez, Zhongxing Yu, Andy Zaidman, Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry
A snowballing literature study on test amplification (Benjamin Danglot, Oscar Vera-Perez, Zhongxing Yu, Andy Zaidman, Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry), In Journal of Systems and Software, volume 157, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{danglot2019snowballing, title={A snowballing literature study on test amplification}, author={Danglot, Benjamin and Vera-Perez, Oscar and Yu, Zhongxing and Zaidman, Andy and Monperrus, Martin and Baudry, Benoit}, journal={Journal of Systems and Software}, volume={157}, year={2019}, doi = {10.1016/j.jss.2019.110398}, KEYWORDS = {test, amplification, devops}, url={}, X-International-Audience = {yes}, X-Language = {EN}, x-abbrv = {JSS} }