by Freddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Barais
A classification of invasive patterns in AOP (Freddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Barais), Technical report, IRISA Research Center, 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
@techreport{munoz2008a, Author = {Munoz, Freddy and Baudry, Benoit and Barais, Olivier}, Institution = {IRISA Research Center}, Month = {March}, Number = {inria-00266555}, Title = {A classification of invasive patterns in AOP}, Type = {Research report}, Type_Rapport = {Rapport de recherche}, Url = {}, X-Language = {EN}, Year = {2008}, x-abbrv = {tech report}, keywords = {AOP, empirical}}