by Gerson Sunyé, Eduardo Cunha De Almeida, Yves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry, Jean-Marc Jézéquel
Model-Based Testing of Global Properties on Large-Scale Distributed Systems (Gerson Sunyé, Eduardo Cunha De Almeida, Yves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry, Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Information and Software Technology, volume 56, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{sunye14, TITLE = {{Model-Based Testing of Global Properties on Large-Scale Distributed Systems}}, AUTHOR = {Suny{'e}, Gerson and Cunha De Almeida, Eduardo and Le Traon, Yves and Baudry, Benoit and J{'e}z{'e}quel, Jean-Marc}, URL = {}, JOURNAL = {{Information and Software Technology}}, YEAR = {2014}, volume={56}, number={7}, pages={749--762}, X-International-Audience = {yes}, X-Language = {EN}, x-abbrv = {IST}, }