

DepClean is a tool to automatically remove dependencies that are included in your Java dependency tree but are not actually used in the project’s code. DepClean detects and removes all the unused dependencies declared in the pom.xml file of a project or imported from its parent. For that, it relies on bytecode static analysis. DepClean does not modify the original source code of the application nor its original pom.xml. It can be executed as a Maven goal through the command line or integrated directly into the Maven build lifecycle.

You can explore the presence of bloated dependencies in open source projects at our DepClean gallery

All sources are available on Github.


Open source software tool for the automatic amplification of unit test cases. This tool implements the complete process of transformation, selection and evaluation of a set of unit test cases. The tool is implemented in Java and can amplify test cases implemented in JUnit. It is developed in the context of the STAMP project.

All sources are available on Github.


Open source software tool for the automatic evaluation of test suite quality. This tool is implemented as a mutation engine for Pitest and is inspired by the concept of extreme mutation. The tool is implemented in Java and can assess the quality of test cases implemented in JUnit. It is developed in the context of the STAMP project.

All sources are available on Github.


Open source web site, which has two essential purposes: inform the public about browser fingerprinting, through a collection of publications and web resources that explain and discuss this new technology; collect data for our research work about a counter-measure, based on software diversity, against tracking through fingerprinting.

All sources are available here: Github repo for amiunique.