A synthesis of the essential elements I look for when reviewing and supervising a PhD thesis can be found in French and in English. Since 2004, it has been my great pleasure to work with great students.
- Yogya Gamage (2024 – 2028): Integrity of Software Dependencies. Supported by IVADO
- Lena MK (2023 – 2027): Cultural Data Physicalization. Co supervised with Suzanne Paquet
- Aman Sharma (2023 – 2028): Runtime integrity of the software supply chain. Supported by CHAINS and co-advised with Martin Monperrus
- Frank Reyes García (2023 – 2028): Automatic repair for dependency updates. Supported by CHAINS and co-advised with Martin Monperrus
- Javier Ron Arteaga (2021-2026): Automatic diversity for blockchain reliability. Supported by Vetenskapsrådet and co-advised with Martin Monperrus
- Yuxin Liu (2021-2026): Dependency management in Node. Supported by WASP and co-advised with Cristian Bogdan
- Deepika Tiwari (2020 – 2025): Test generation from execution traces. Supported by WASP and co-advised with Martin Monperrus Current situation: R&D software engineer at System Verification.
- Javier Cabrera Arteaga (2019 – 2024): Software randomization against side channels. Supported byTrustfull and co-advised with Martin Monperrus Current situation: R&D senior software engineer at Sinch.
- Khashayar Etemadi (2019 – 2024): Explainable software repair bots. Supported by WASP and co-advised with Martin Monperrus Current situation: R&D postdoc at ETH Zurich.
- Cesar Soto Valero (2018 – 2023): Automatic software debloat. Supported byWASP and co-advised with Martin Monperrus, Thomas Durieux
Current situation: R&D senior software engineer at SEB. - Long Zhang (2018 – 2022): Application-level chaos engineering. Supported byWASP and co-advised with Martin Monperrus
Current situation: R&D software engineer at Electrolux. - Nicolas Harrand (2016 – 2021): Multi-level software diversification. Supported by DGA-INRIA and WASP. Co-advised with Martin Monperrus and David Broman.
Current situation: Postdoc at RISE. - Oscar Luis Vera Perez (2016 – 2019): Automatic test assessment. Supported byH2020 STAMP and co-advised with Martin Monperrus.
Current situation: R&D software engineer at MediaKind. - Benjamin Danglot (2016 – 2019): Automatic test amplification. Supported byH2020 STAMP and co-advised with Martin Monperrus.
Current situation: R&D software engineer at Davidson. - Alejandro Boix (2016 – 2019): Distributed mitigation against browser fingerprinting. Supported by Cominlabs PROFILE and co-advised with David Bromberg
Current situation: software engineer at Accenture. - Marcelino Rodriguez-Cancio (2015 – 2018): Automatic computation diversification. Supported by Clarity project and co-advised with Benoit Combemale.
Current situation: CTO at Couture. - Pierre Laperdrix (2014 – 2017): Secretless moving target against browser fingerprinting. Supported by MESR and co-advised with Gildas Avoine.
Current situation: Research scientist at CNRS. - Kwaku Yeboah-Antwi (2013 – 2016): Runtime emergence of software diversity. Supported by DIVERSIFY project and co-advised with Olivier Barais
Current situation: senior software engineer at Simon Kucher - Mohamed Boussaa (2013 – 2016): An Architecture for Testing Large-Scale Dynamic Distributed Systems. Supported by HEADS project and co-advised withOlivier Barais.
Current situation: research engineer at ActiveEon. - David Mendez (2013 – 2016): Variability Management in Modeling Languages. Supported by VaryMDE project and co-advised withBenoit Combemale.
Current situation: Software engineer, Adobe. - Sana Ben Nasr (2013 – 2016): Modeling variability in regulatory requirements. Supported by CONNEXION project and co-advised with Mathieu Acher.
Current situation: Senior engineer at CapGemini. - Valeria Lelli (2012 – 2015): Model-based test generation for critical interactive systems. Supported by CONNEXION project and co-advised with Arnaud Blouin.
Current situation: Professor at the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. - Erwan Bousse (2012 – 2015): Hybrid model-based verification. Supported by MESR and co-advised with Benoit Combemale.
Current situation: Associate Professor at University of Nantes, France. - Jacky Bourgeois (2012 – 2015): Context-Aware Demand Shifting for domestic Microgeneration. Supported by Centre for Research in Computing (CRC) of The Open University in Milton Keynes (UK) and Université de Rennes 1 in Rennes (France) and co-advised with Janet van der Linden, Gerd Kortuem, Johann Bourcier.
Current situation: Researcher at TU Delft. - Joao Bosco Ferreira Filho (2011 – 2014): Variability modeling in software intensive systems. Supported byVaryMDE project and co-advised withOlivier Barais.
Current situation: Professor at the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. - Hamza Samih (2011 – 2014): Extending model-based testing with variability and security management. Supported by CIFRE All4TEC and co-advised with Hélène Le Guen.
Current situation: software engineer in embedded systems at Nokia. - Aymeric Hervieu (2010 – 2013): Model-based testing: handling performance in embedded software product lines. Supported by CIFRE Kereval and co-advised with Arnaud Gotlieb and Alain Ribault (Kereval).
Current situation: R&D director for Energiency. - Nicolas Sannier (2010 – 2013): Synthesize heterogeneous sources of information into a requirements model. Supported by CIFRE – EDF and co-advised with Catherine Devic (EDF).
Current situation: research scientist in the University of Luxembourg. - Juan Cadavid (2009 – 2012): Assisting metamodeling with formal analysis. Supported by Bretagne Regional Council and MOVIDA ANR project and co-advised with Jean-Marc Jézéquel.
Current situation: responsible for EU porjects at CEA in Paris, France. - Freddy Muñoz (2007 – 2010): Validation of Reasoning Engines and Adaptation Mechanisms for Self-adaptive Systems. Supported by DiVA EU project and co-advised with Jean-Marc Jézéquel.
Current situation: director of technical program management, Compass. - Sagar Sen (2006 – 2009): Automatic Discovery of Effective Models. Supported by ANR DOMINO and S-CUBE NoE, co-advised with Hans Vangheluwe, Mc Gill University and Jean-Marc Jézéquel.
Current situation: research scientist at Simula Research Laboratory - Romain Delamare (2006 – 2009): Automatic analyses for testing aspect-oriented programs. Supported by Bretagne Regional Council and co-advised withYves Le Traon.
Current situation: software engineer at Legrand. - Jean-Marie Mottu (2005 – 2008): Model transformation testing: criteria, qualification and oracle for MDA components. Supported by MENRT and co-advised with Yves Le Traon.
Current situation: associate professor at Université de Nantes. - Erwan Brottier (2005 – 2008): Requirements-based validation: simulation and test generation. Supported by Cifre France Telecom and co-advised with Yves Le Traon.
- Franck Fleurey (2003 – 2006): Method and language for reliable Model-Driven Engineering. Supported by MENRT and co-advised withYves Le Traon.
Current situation: senior software engineer at TellU.