Conference proceedings

Refereed Conference Papers
[110] With Great Humor Comes Great Developer Engagement (Deepika Tiwari, Tim Toady, Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of ICSE-SEIS, 2024. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[109] Harvesting Production GraphQL Queries to Detect Schema Faults (Louise Zetterlund, Deepika Tiwari, Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of ICST, 2022. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[108] Exhaustive Survey of Rickrolling in Academic Literature (Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus), In Proc. of SIGBOVIK'22, 2022. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[107] Multi-variant Execution at the Edge (Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Pierre Laperdrix, Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus), In Proc. of MTD'22, 2022. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[106] A Longitudinal Analysis of Bloated Java Dependencies (César Soto-Valero, Thomas Durieux, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Europ. Software Engineering Conf. and Symp. on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2021. (ACM distinguished paper award) [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[105] The Behavioral Diversity of Java JSON Libraries (Nicolas Harrand, Thomas Durieux, David Broman, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Software Reliability (ISSRE), 2021. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[104] DUETS: A Dataset of Reproducible Pairs of Java Library-Clients (Thomas Durieux, César Soto-Valero, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2021. (Data showcase award) [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[103] Vivienne: Relational Verification of Cryptographic Implementations in WebAssembly (Rodothea-Myrsini Tsoupidi, Musard Baliu, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of SecDev, 2021. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[102] Constraint-Based Software Diversification for Efficient Mitigation of Code-Reuse Attacks (Rodothea-Myrsini Tsoupidi, Roberto Castañeda Lozano, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), 2020. (Best paper award) [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[101] re\(\vert\)Traces of Search: Exploring Human-Software Entanglements Through the Search Engine (Erik Natanael Gustafsson, Nadia Campo Woytuk, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS), 2020. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[100] Superoptimization of WebAssembly bytecode (Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Shrinish Donde, Jian Gu, Orestis Floros, Lucas Satabin, Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus), In Companion Proc. of Programming'20, 2020. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[99] The Emergence of Software Diversity in Maven Central (César Soto-Valero, Amine Benelallam, Nicolas Harrand, Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2019. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[98] Approximate loop unrolling (Marcelino Rodriguez-Cancio, Benoît Combemale, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF), ACM, 2019. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[97] Morellian Analysis for Browsers: Making Web Authentication Stronger with Canvas Fingerprinting (Pierre Laperdrix, Gildas Avoine, Benoit Baudry, Nick Nikiforakis), In Proc. of the Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA), 2019. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[96] The Strengths and Behavioral Quirks of Java Bytecode Decompilers (Nicolas Harrand, César Soto-Valero, Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), 2019. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[95] The Maven Dependency Graph: a Temporal Graph-based Representation of Maven Central (Amine Benelallam, Nicolas Harrand, César Soto-Valero, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Barais), In Proc. of Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2019. (Data showcase award) [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[94] Images of Code: Lossy Compression for Native Instructions (Marcelino Rodriguez-Cancio, Benoit Baudry, Jules White), In Proc. of the NIER track at ICSE, 2018. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[93] Code\strata\ Sonifying Software Complexity (Denez Thomas, Nicolas Harrand, Bruno Bossis, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions (TEI), 2018. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[92] Detection and Analysis of Behavioral T-patterns in Debugging Activities (César Soto-Valero, Johann Bourcier, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2018. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[91] Descartes: A PITest Engine to Detect Pseudo-Tested Methods: Tool Demonstration (Oscar Vera-Perez, Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of Automated Software Engineering Conf. (ASE), 2018. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[90] Engineering Software Diversity: a Model-Based Approach to Systematically Diversify Communications (Brice Morin, Jakob Hø genes, Hui Song, Nicolas Harrand, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2018. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[89] Exhaustive Exploration of the Failure-oblivious Computing Search Space (Thomas Durieux, Yousef Hamadi, Zhongxing Yu, Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Sotware Testing and Verification (ICST), 2018. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[88] Hiding in the crowd: an analysis of the effectiveness of browser fingerprinting at large scale (Alejandro Gomez-Boix, Pierre Laperdrix, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Web conference (WWW), 2018. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[87] FPRandom: Randomizing core browser objects to break advanced device fingerprinting techniques (Pierre Laperdrix, Benoit Baudry, Vikas Mishra), In Proc. of the Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSOS), 2017. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[86] Automatic Microbenchmark Generation to Prevent Dead Code Elimination and Constant Folding (Marcelino Rodriguez-Cancio, Benoit Combemale, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Automated Software Engineering Conference (ASE), 2016. [bibtex] [pdf]
[85] NOTICE: A Framework for Non-functional Testing of Compilers (Mohamed Boussaa, Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry, Gerson Sunyé), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Quality, Reliability & Security (QRS), 2016. [bibtex] [pdf]
[84] Puzzle: A tool for analyzing and extracting specification clones in DSLs (David Méndez-Acuña, José A. Galindo, Benoit Combemale, Arnaud Blouin, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Reuse, 2016. [bibtex] [pdf]
[83] Beauty and the Beast: Diverting modern web browsers to build unique browser fingerprints (Pierre Laperdrix, Walter Rudametkin, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Symp. on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2016. (CNIL-INRIA award) [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[82] Automatic Detection of GUI Design Smells: The Case of Blob Listener (Valéria Lelli, Arnaud Blouin, Benoit Baudry, Fabien Coulon, Olivier Beaudoux), In Proc. of the Symp. on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS), 2016. [bibtex] [pdf]
[81] libmask: Protecting Browser JIT Engines from the Devil in the Constants (Abhinav Jangda, Mohit Mishra, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Privacy, Security and Trust Conference (PST), 2016. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[80] Exploiting the Enumeration of All Feature Model Configurations (José A. Galindo, Mathieu Acher, Juan Manuel Tirado, Cristian Vidal, Benoit Baudry, David Benavides), In Proc. of the Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), 2016. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[79] Automatic Non-functional Testing of Code Generators Families (Mohamed Boussaa, Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry, Gerson Gerson Sunyé), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE), 2016. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[78] Discovering Model Transformation Pre-conditions using Automatically Generated Test Models (Jean-Marie Mottu, Sagar Sen, Juan Cadavid, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 2015. [bibtex] [pdf]
[77] Emergent Robustness in Software Systems through Decentralized Adaptation: an Ecologically-Inspired ALife Approach (Franck Fleurey, Benoit Baudry, Benoit Gauzens, André Elie, Kwaku Yeboah-Antwi), In Proc. of the European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), 2015. [bibtex] [pdf]
[76] Assessing Product Line Derivation Operators Applied to Java Source Code: An Empirical Study (João Bosco Ferreira Filho, Simon Allier, Olivier Barais, Mathieu Acher, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), 2015. [bibtex] [pdf]
[75] Classifying and Qualifying GUI Defects (Valéria Lelli, Arnaud Blouin, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2015. [bibtex] [pdf]
[74] Mitigating browser fingerprint tracking: multi-level reconfiguration and diversification (Pierre Laperdrix, Walter Rudametkin, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), 2015. [bibtex] [pdf]
[73] Supporting efficient and advanced omniscient debugging for xDSMLs (Erwan Bousse, Jonathan Corley, Benoit Combemale, Jeff Gray, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2015. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[72] A Generative Approach to Define Rich Domain-Specific Trace Metamodels (Erwan Bousse, Tanja Mayerhofer, Benoit Combemale, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Euro.. Conf. on Modeling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), 2015. [bibtex] [pdf]
[71] MatrixMiner: a red pill to architect informal product descriptions in the matrix (Sana Ben Nasr, Guillaume Bécan, Mathieu Acher, João Bosco Ferreira Filho, Benoit Baudry, Nicolas Sannier, Jean-Marc Davril), In Proc. of the Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE), 2015. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[70] Slicing-based Techniques for Visualizing Large Metamodels (Arnaud Blouin, Naouel Moha, Benoit Baudry, Houari Sahraoui), In Proc. of the Working Conf. on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf]
[69] INCREMENT: A mixed MDE-IR Approach for Regulatory Requirements Modeling and Analysis (Nicolas Sannier, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Conf. on Requirement Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf]
[68] An Approach to Derive Usage Models Variants for Model-based Testing (Hamza Samih, Helene Le Guen, Ralf Bogusch, Mathieu Acher, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf]
[67] A Variability-based Testing Approach for Synthesizing Video Sequences (José Angel Galindo Duarte, Mauricio Alférez, Mathieu Acher, Benoit Baudry, David Benavides), In Proc. of Int. Symp. on Software Testing and Analaysis (ISSTA), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[66] Scalable armies of clone models through data sharing (Erwan Bousse, Benoit Combemale, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf]
[65] On Analyzing the Topology of Commit Histories in Decentralized Version Control Systems (Marco Biazzini, Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf]
[64] Moving Toward Product Line Engineering in a Nuclear Industry Consortium (Sana Ben Nasr, Nicolas Sannier, Mathieu Acher, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Software Product Line Conference (SPLC), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf]
[63] Automating the Formalization of Product Comparison Matrices (Guillaume Bécan, Nicolas Sannier, Mathieu Acher, Olivier Barais, Arnaud Blouin, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Automated Software Engineering Conference (ASE), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf]
[62] Tailored source code transformations to synthesize computationally diverse program variants (Benoit Baudry, Simon Allier, Martin Monperrus), In Proc. of Int. Symp. on Software Testing and Analaysis (ISSTA), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[61] DIVERSIFY: Ecology-Inspired Software Evolution for Diversity Emergence (Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus, Cendrine Mony, Franck Chauvel, Franck Fleurey, Siobhan Clarke), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), 2014. [bibtex] [pdf]
[60]Customization and 3D printing: a challenging playground for software product lines (Mathieu Acher, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Proc. of SPLC, 2014. [bibtex]
[59] Towards Trust-Aware and Self-Adaptive Systems (Francisco Moyano, Benoit Baudry, Javier Lopez), In Proc. of IFIPTM, 2013. [bibtex] [pdf]
[58] From Comparison Matrix to Variability Model: The Wikipedia Case Study (Nicolas Sannier, Mathieu Acher, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Conf. on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2013. [bibtex] [pdf]
[57] Empirical Evidence of Large-Scale Diversity in API Usage of Object-Oriented Software (Diego Mendez, Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), 2013. [bibtex] [pdf]
[56] Generating Counterexamples of Model-based Software Product Lines: An Exploratory Study (Joao Bosco Ferreira Filho, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Barais, Jérôme Le Noir, Mathieu Acher), In Proc. of the Int. Software Product Line Conf. (SPLC), 2013. [bibtex] [pdf]
[55] Automatically Searching for Metamodel Well-Formedness Rules in Examples and Counter-Examples (Martin Faunes, Juan Cadavid, Benoit Baudry, Houari Sahraoui, Benoit Combemale), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2013. [bibtex] [pdf]
[54] Reifying Concurrency for Executable Metamodeling (Benoit Combemale, Julien Deantoni, Matias Vara Larsen, Frédéric Mallet, Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry, Robert France), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2013. [bibtex] [pdf]
[53] Specification and Detection of SOA Antipatterns (Naouel Moha, Francis Palma, Mathieu Nayrolles, Benjamin Joyen Conseil, Guéhéneuc Yann-Gael, Benoit Baudry, Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC), 2012. (Best paper award) [bibtex] [pdf]
[52] Managing Execution Environment Variability during Software Testing: an industrial experience (Aymeric Hervieu, Benoit Baudry, Arnaud Gotlieb), In Proc. of the International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS), 2012. [bibtex] [pdf]
[51] A Vision for Behavioural Model-Driven Validation of Software Product Lines (Xavier Devroey, Maxime Cordy, Gilles Perrouin, Eun-Young Kang, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Patrick Heymans, Axel Legay, Benoit Baudry), In Proc of ISOLA, 2012. [bibtex] [pdf]
[50]Bridging the Chasm between Executable Metamodeling and Models of Computation (Benoit Combemale, Cécile Hardebolle, Christophe Jacquet, Frédéric Boulanger, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Language Engineering (SLE), 2012. [bibtex]
[49] Formally Defining and Iterating Infinite Models (Benoit Combemale, Xavier Thirioux, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2012. [bibtex] [pdf]
[48] Searching the boundaries of a modeling space to test metamodels (Juan Cadavid, Benoit Baudry, Houari Sahraoui), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST), 2012. [bibtex] [pdf]
[47] Tailored Shielding and Bypass Testing of Web Applications (Tejedinne Mouelhi, Yves Le Traon, Erwan Abgrall, Benoit Baudry, Sylvain Gombault), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Testing, Validations and Verification (ICST), 2011. [bibtex] [pdf]
[46] Pairwise Testing of Dynamic Composite Services (Ajay Kattepur, Sagar Sen, Benoit Baudry, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard), In Proc. of the Symp. on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), 2011. [bibtex] [pdf]
[45] Estimating Footprints of Model Operations (Cédric Jeanneret, Martin Glinz, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2011. [bibtex] [pdf]
[44] PACOGEN : Automatic Generation of Pairwise Test Configurations from Feature Models (Aymeric Hervieu, Benoit Baudry, Arnaud Gotlieb), In Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 2011. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[43] Modeling Model Slicers (Arnaud Blouin, Benoit Combemale, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Beaudoux), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2011. [bibtex] [pdf]
[42] Variability Modeling and QoS Analysis of Web Services Orchestrations (Ajay Kattepur, Sagar Sen, Benoit Baudry, Albert Benveniste, Claude Jard), In Proc. of the International Conference on Web Services (ICWE), IEEE, 2010. [bibtex] [pdf]
[41] Contribution à la formalisation de contextes et déxigences pour la validation formelle de logiciels embarqués (Philippe Dhaussy, Pierre-Yves Pillain, Stephen Creff, Amine Raji, Yves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry "), In Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance de Développement Logiciel, 2010. [bibtex] [pdf]
[40] Automated and Scalable T-wise Test Case Generation Strategies for Software Product Lines (Gilles Perrouin, Sagar Sen, Jacques Klein, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST), 2010. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[39] Vidock: a Tool for Impact Analysis of Aspect Weaving on Test Cases (Romain Delamare, Freddy Muñoz, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS), 2010. [bibtex] [pdf]
[38] A Framework for Testing Model Composition Engines (Freddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the International Conference on Software Composition (SC), 2009. [bibtex] [pdf]
[37] Inquiring the usage of aspect-oriented programming: an empirical study (Freddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry, Romain Delamare, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), 2009. [bibtex] [pdf]
[36] Modeling Modeling (Pierre-Alain Muller, Frédéric Fondement, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2009. (ACM distinguished paper award) [bibtex] [pdf]
[35] Transforming and selecting functional test cases for security policy testing (Tejeddine Mouelhi, Yves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2009. [bibtex] [pdf]
[34] Evaluating Context Descriptions and Property Definition Patterns for Software Formal Validation (Philippe Dhaussy, Pierre Yves Pillain, Stephen Creff, Amine Raji, Yves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2009. [bibtex] [pdf]
[33] Meta-model Pruning (Sagar Sen, Naouel Moha, Benoit Baudry, Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2009. [bibtex] [pdf]
[32] Automatic Model Generation Strategies for Model Transformation Testing (Sagar Sen, Benoit Baudry, Jean-Marie Mottu), In Proc. of the International Conference on Model Transformations (ICMT), 2009. [bibtex] [pdf]
[31] Composing Models for Detecting Inconsistencies: A Requirements Engineering Perspective (Gilles Perrouin, Erwan Brottier, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ), 2009. [bibtex] [pdf]
[30] A Test-Driven Approach to Developing Pointcut Descriptors in AspectJ (Romain Delamare, Benoit Baudry, Sudipto Ghosh, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the Int. Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification (ICST), 2009. [bibtex] [pdf]
[29] Improving Maintenance in AOP Through an Interaction Specification Framework (Freddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Barais), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Maintentance (ICSM), 2008. [bibtex] [pdf]
[28] Test-Driven Assessment of Access Control in Legacy Applications (Yves Le Traon, Tejeddine Mouelhi, Alexander Pretschner, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2008. [bibtex] [pdf]
[27] On Combining Multi-formalism Knowledge to Select Models for Model Transformation Testing (Sagar Sen, Benoit Baudry, Jean-Marie Mottu), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 2008. [bibtex] [pdf]
[26] A Model-Based Framework for Security Policy Specification, Deployment and Testing (Tejeddine Mouelhi, Franck Fleurey, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2008. [bibtex] [pdf]
[25] Composing Multi-View Aspect Models (Olivier Barais, Jacques Klein, Benoit Baudry, Andrew Jackson, Siobhan Clarke), In Proc. of the International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS), 2008. [bibtex] [pdf]
[24]Partial Model Completion in Model Driven Engineering using Constraint Logic Programming (Sagar Sen, Benoit Baudry, Doina Precup), In Proc. of the International Conference on the Applications of Declarative Programming (INAP), 2007. [bibtex]
[23] Testing security policies: going beyond functional testing (Yves Le Traon, Tejeddine Mouelhi, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)), 2007. [bibtex] [pdf]
[22] Providing Support for Model Composition in Metamodels (Robert France, Franck Fleurey, Raghu Reddy, Benoit Baudry, Sudipto Ghosh), In Proc. of the Entreprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), 2007. [bibtex] [pdf]
[21] Model-Driven Engineering for Software Migration in a Large Industrial Context (Franck Fleurey, Erwan Breton, Benoit Baudry, Alain Nicolas, Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2007. [bibtex] [pdf]
[20] Producing a Global Requirement Model from Multiple Requirement Specifications (Erwan Brottier, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, David Touzet, Bertrand Nicolas), In Proc. of the Entreprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), 2007. [bibtex] [pdf]
[19] Model-driven Engineering for Requirements Analysis (Benoit Baudry, Clémentine Nebut, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the Entreprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), 2007. [bibtex] [pdf]
[18] Improving Test Suites for Efficient Fault Localization (Benoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[17] Reusable MDA Components: A Testing-for-Trust Approach (Jean-Marie Mottu, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[16] Mutation Analysis Testing for Model Transformations (Jean-Marie Mottu, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the European Conference on Model Driven Architecture (ECMDA), 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[15] Metamodel-based Test Generation for Model Transformations: an Algorithm and a Tool (Erwan Brottier, Franck Fleurey, Jim Steel, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of Int. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[14] GÈnÈration Automatique de Test pour les Transformations de ModËles, In Proc. of 1Ëre JournÈes sur l'IngÈnierie DirigÈe par les ModËles, Paris, 2005. [bibtex] [pdf]
[13] Improving the Testability of UML Diagram (Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Gerson Sunyé), In Proc. of the IWoTA at ISSRE'04, 2004. [bibtex] [pdf]
[12]A UML-Based Concept for High Concurrency: The Real-Time Object (Sébastien Gérard, Chokri Mraidha, François Terrier, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of ISORC, 2004. [bibtex]
[11] From testing to diagnosis: An automated approach (Franck Fleurey, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc of the Conf. on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2004. [bibtex] [pdf]
[10]Software Transformation Engineering (Benoit Baudry, Sébastien Gérard), In Proc. of MDAFA'04, 2004. [bibtex]
[9] Measuring and Improving Design Patterns Testability (Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Gerson Sunyé, Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Proc. of the Metrics Symposium (Metrics), 2003. [bibtex] [pdf]
[8] Automatic Test Cases Optimization Using a Bacteriological Adaptation Model: Application to .NET Components (Benoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the Conf. on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2002. [bibtex] [pdf]
[7] Genes and Bacteria for Automatic Test Cases Optimization in the .NET Environment (Benoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 2002. [bibtex] [pdf]
[6] Testability Analysis of UML Class Diagram (Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Gerson Sunyé), In Proc. of the Metrics Symposium (Metrics), 2002. [bibtex] [pdf]
[5] Towards a 'Safe' Use of Design Patterns to Improve OO Software Testability (Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Gerson Sunyé, Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Proc. of Int. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 2001. [bibtex] [pdf]
[4] Robustness and Diagnosability of OO Systems Designed by Contracts (Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Proc. of the Metrics Symposium (Metrics), 2001. [bibtex] [pdf]
[3] Trustable Components: Yet Another Mutation-Based Approach (Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Hanh Vu Le), In Proc. of the Symposium on Mutation Testing, 2000. [bibtex] [pdf]
[2] Building Trust into OO Components using a Genetic Analogy (Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Hanh Vu Le, Jean-Marc Jézéquel), In Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), 2000. [bibtex] [pdf]
[1] Testing-for-Trust: the Genetic Selection Model applied to Component Qualification (Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Hanh Vu Le), In Proc. of TOOLS Europe, volume 33, 2000. [bibtex] [pdf]
Refereed Workshop Papers
[38] CROW: Code Diversification for WebAssembly (Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Orestis Floros Malivitsis, Oscar Luis Vera Pérez, Benoit Baudry, Martin Monperrus), In Proc. of MadWeb workshop at NDSS'21, 2021. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[37] Scalable Comparison of JavaScript V8 Bytecode Traces (Javier Cabrera-Arteaga, Martin Monperrus, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of Workshop on VMIL, 2019. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[36] A spoonful of DevOps helps the GI go down (Benoit Baudry, Nicolas Harrand, Eric Schulte, Chris Timperley, Shin Hwei Tan, Marija Selakovic, Emamurho Ugherughe), In Proc. of Genetic Improvement workshop (GI), 2018. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[35] Software Diversification as an Obfuscation Technique (Nicolas Harrand, Benoit Baudry), In International Workshop on Obfuscation: Science, Technology, and Theory, 2017. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[34] A Novelty Search Approach for Automatic Test Data Generation (Mohamed Boussaa, Olivier Barais, Gerson Sunyé, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing SBST@ICSE, 2015. [bibtex] [pdf]
[33] On Model-Based Testing Advanced GUIs (Valéria Lelli, Arnaud Blouin, Benoit Baudry, Fabien Coulon), In Proc. of the Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST 2015), 2015. [bibtex] [pdf]
[32] Embedding Adaptivity in Software Systems using the ECSELR framework (Kwaku Yeboah-Antwi, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Genetic Improvement workshop at GECCO, 2015. [bibtex] [pdf]
[31] Comparing or Configuring Products: Are We Getting the Right Ones? (Nicolas Sannier, Guillaume Bécan, Mathieu Acher, Sana Ben Nasr, Benoit Baudry), In 8th Int. Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VAMOS), ACM, 2014. [bibtex] [pdf] [doi]
[30] Support for Reverse Engineering and Maintaining Feature Models (Mathieu Acher, Patrick Heymans, Anthony Cleve, Jean-Luc Hainaut, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems, 2013. [bibtex] [pdf]
[29] Toward Multilevel Textual Requirements Traceability Using Model-driven Engineering and Information Retrieval (Nicolas Sannier, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Model-Driven Requirements Engineering workshop (MoDRE'12) at RE'12, 2012. [bibtex] [pdf]
[28] Impact of Footprinting on Model Quality (Cédric Jeanneret, Martin Glinz, Benoit Baudry, Benoit Combemale), In Proc. of the Model-Driven Requirements Engineering workshop (MoDRE'12) at RE'12, 2012. [bibtex] [pdf]
[27] Defining and Retrieving Themes in Nuclear Regulations (Nicolas Sannier, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Requirements Engineering and Law workshop (RELAW'12) at RE'12, 2012. [bibtex] [pdf]
[26] A Categorical Model of Model Merging and Weaving (Jonathan Marchand, Benoit Combemale, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the MiSE workshop at ICSE'12, 2012. [bibtex] [pdf]
[25]Formalizing standards and regulations variability in longlife projects. A challenge for Model-driven engineering (Nicolas Sannier, Benoit Baudry, Thuy Nguyen), In Proc. of the Model-Driven Requirements Engineering workshop (MoDRE'11) at RE'11, 2011. [bibtex]
[24]Empirical evaluation of the conjunct use of MOF and OCL (Juan Cadavid, Benoit Baudry, Benoit Combemale), In Proc. of EESSMOD workshop at MODELS'11, 2011. [bibtex]
[23] AjMutator: A Tool For The Mutation Analysis Of AspectJ Pointcut Descriptors (Romain Delamare, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the International Workshop on Mutation Analysis at ICST, 2009. [bibtex] [pdf]
[22] Validation challenges in model composition: The case of adaptive systems (Freddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of ChaMDE 2000 Workshop at MODELS'08, 2008. [bibtex] [pdf]
[21] Regression Test Selection when Evolving Software with Aspects (Romain Delamare, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the LATE workshop at AOSD'08, 2008. [bibtex] [pdf]
[20] A Generic Metamodel For Security Policies Mutation (Tejeddine Mouelhi, Benoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey), In Proc. of the Security Testing workshop at ICST, 2008. [bibtex] [pdf]
[19] Mutating DAC And MAC Security Policies: A Generic Metamodel Based Approach (Tejeddine Mouelhi, Franck Fleurey, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the Modeling Security Workshop at MODELS '08, 2008. [bibtex] [pdf]
[18] Domain-specific Model Editors with Model Completion (Sagar Sen, Benoit Baudry, Hans Vangheluwe), In Proc. of MPM Workshop at MoDELS'07, 2007. [bibtex] [pdf]
[17] Vigilant usage of Aspects (Freddy Munoz, Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the ADI Workshop at ECOOP 2007, 2007. [bibtex] [pdf]
[16] Mutation analysis for security tests qualification (Tejeddine Mouelhi, Yves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the workshop on mutation analysis at TAIC-Part 2007, 2007. [bibtex] [pdf]
[15] A Generic Approach For Automatic Model Composition (Franck Fleurey, Benoit Baudry, Robert France, Sudipto Ghosh), In Proc. of the AOM Workshop at MODELS'07, 2007. [bibtex] [pdf]
[14] Report on the 3rd MoDeVa Workshop - Model Design and Validation (Benoit Baudry, David Hearnden, Nicolas Rapin, Jˆrn Guy Suss), In Proc. of the workshops and Symposia at MoDELS'06, LNCS, 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[13] Reverse-engineering of UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams from Execution Traces (Romain Delamare, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the workshop on Object-Oriented Reengineering at ECOOP 06, 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[12] Testing Executable Themes (Andrew Jackson, Jacques Klein, Benoit Baudry, Siobhan Clarke), In Proc. of the MDSD workshop at ECOOP 06, 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[11] KerTheme: Testing Aspect Oriented Models (Andrew Jackson, Jacques Klein, Benoit Baudry, Siobhan Clarke), In Proc. of the IMDDMDT workshop at ECMDA'06., 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[10] Mutation-based Model Synthesis in Model Driven Engineering (Sagar Sen, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the mutation'06 workshop at ISSRE'06, 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[9] Model Transformation Testing Challenges (Benoit Baudry, Trung Dinh-Trong, Jean-Marie Mottu, Devon Simmonds, Robert France, Sudipto Ghosh, Franck Fleurey, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of the IMDDMDT workshop at ECMDA'06, 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[8] Multi-Language Support for Model-Driven Requirement Analysis and Test Generation (Clémentine Nebut, Benoit Baudry, Souha Kamoun, Waqas Ahmed Saeed), In Proc. of the IMDDMDT workshop at ECMDA'06., 2006. [bibtex] [pdf]
[7]Model Composition - A Signature-Based Approach (Raghu Reddy, Robert France, Sudipto Ghosh, Franck Fleurey, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the AOM Workshop at MODELS'05, 2005. [bibtex]
[6] Exploring the Relationship between Model Composition and Model Transformation (Benoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Robert France, Raghu Reddy), In Proc. of the AOM Workshop at MODELS'05, 2005. [bibtex] [pdf]
[5] Report on the 2nd Workshop on Model Development and Validation: MoDeVa. (Benoit Baudry, Christophe Gaston, Sudipto Ghosh), In Proc. of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS'05, 2005. [bibtex] [pdf]
[4] A Taxonomy of Faults for UML Designs (Trung Dinh-Trong, Sudipto Ghosh, Robert France, Benoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey), In Proc. of the MoDeVa Workshop at MODELS'05, 2005. [bibtex] [pdf]
[3] MDE and Validation: Testing Model Transformations (Franck Fleurey, Jim Steel, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Modeva workshop at ISSRE'04, 2004. [bibtex] [pdf]
[2]Optimal Allocation of Testing Resources (Yves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry), In Proc. of the Modeva workshop at ISSRE'04, 2004. [bibtex]
[1] Computational Intelligence for Testing .NET Components (Benoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Yves Le Traon), In Proc. of Microsoft Summer Research Workshop, 2002. [bibtex] [pdf]